Welcome. as the I.T officer for Tri Services and Veterans Support Centre I would like to inform you of some updates for the new year and also explain why and how they effect you, please don’t worry this is not technical.

We have a new secure I.T system in place and although already running, we have formally stated as of the 1st January 2023 it will go into full effect. The new system is designed to help staff in many ways but also help us to help you.

First off. Is it secure?

Yes very, I have worked in I.T professionally for over 25 years as an MCSE (Microsoft Certified System Engineer) and worked for financial institutions, collages, and other businesses providing solutions and systems where security is top priority. I am not saying this to boast but to assure you in the fact I know what is needed and how to implement it. We are using a system that is used by Governments, Military, Law enforcement and medical to name a few and when it comes to security it is the best and most up to date system available. The system is fully GDPR and we even log staff activities ensure compliance is maintained. You do reserve the right to know what information we hold on you. No information is shared externally.

How will this new system effect you directly?

At the very start of the new year you will be required to fill in a new digital membership form. Now, do not worry if you struggle with doing this as members of staff will help you. The form can only be accessed at one of our centres and a private area will be set aside to facilitate you in filling the form out.

Once the form has been completed you become active on our system and I will explain a little more about what is on the form later.

One of the main things we will use from the information you provide on this form is your name, this will be used in an attendance register, it will record your attendance and what activities you are engaging in. In addition it also creates a temporary roll call list in case of an emergency and evacuation form a specific hub. This allows authorised staff to open an app and see who is signed and and where, consequently we can then account for everyone at a hub. In terms of health and safety it is a mandatory criteria we must adhere to.

The attendance register also allows us to view stats over a period of time, these stats are then mainly used by the grants officer who needs this information when submitting for grants and funding. But it also allows us to see how projects are developing and how well they are being utilised by members leading, if applicable, to putting more resources into a particular project.

In addition to the membership form you will see there is an option to sign up to our new member forums online and also a monthly newsletter via email.

So what information will be asked of you?

Some information is mandatory and some is voluntary.


Your contact details, name address, contact number and email if you have one.

NOK Next Of Kin details, Name, contact number, relationship to you.

Veterans only, service details.


Medical details such as allergies, blood group, chronic conditions, medications, GP details. This information can be life saving in the event you fall ill or have an accident, for a qualified first aider this information can go along way to a basic treatment plan. For example lets say your severely allergic to nuts, if you have one your throat and tongue swell making breathing very difficult. Although a first aider may not use any medications, not even offer and aspirin, if they have access to information they can pass this onto a medical professional during a 999 call. If you carry an epi pen the first aider can not administer it however, if guided over the phone by a professional in extreme circumstances they may administer it, saving a life. Obviously having access to medical details you provide not only help the first aider but information can be passed on to the paramedics who will use this and pass on to the emergency doctors. You may ask why not make this Mandatory? In short under data protection it stipulates that only enough data to perform a roll must be captured and kept, the argument here would be that this sort of information could be obtained by the NOK, although this would take longer to find out in terms of communication.

Another example here would be a stroke, I have suffered a stroke myself so know how debilitating it can be, but as a first aider if I know this I will do a few simple tests and if I think it is a stroke and providing your airway is not compromised I would not lie you down in the recovery position instead will would sit you up and have gravity aid in stopping any bleeds.

These are just examples but in our ranks at Tris Services we have some very experienced first aiders, so I hope you can see here this voluntary information helps us immensely to help you, the golden hour as it is called is everything.

Member roles

A veteran based on the consitution of the charity becomes a full member, any one else is classed as an associated member and this includes spouses, volunteers, etc and when you sign up you will be asked for membership type which will be explained to you. This information also helps in seeking additional services.

If you attend any activities via Tri Services you will be asked to sign up no matter what membership role you are and this includes the role of community, we still need people from the community to sign up so they can be accounted for on the attendance and evacuation register. Visitors, will also be asked to provide information for the same reasons as previously mentioned.

What next

Once signed up when you attend a centre as you arrive you will be signed in via the new system, when you leave you will be signed out and that’s it.

Any questions or you wish more information then please use the form below




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